Tuesday 18 March 2008


believe other people aren't ignoring you (you're being over sensitive)

wait and see what happens

teach your best lessons tomorrow

hold parents' evening after school and prove to all the parents you are doing everything possible for their shild

attend the concert after work at E's school (in which she is performing)

complete an assessment on every child you teach and fill it in on the pupil tracking sheet

get all your marking up to date

prepare resources for the training session you are leading on the first day back

solve all the problems with the new virtual learning environment

plan new ICt lessons to cover the new curriculum at KS3

write the development plan for ICT

be the perfect mum

deal with all the flashbacks

Take your medicines like a good girl

Nope, I don't think I can do this right now.

But there doesn't seem to be anyone asking if I can doing it, just telling me I have to.


Made by Mandy said...

Hi D

I won't tell you that you have to do anything.

If i ever offer advice...that is all it is and am never hurt or offended if you don't take it. It is only my view, one view, after all. Your view is the most important to you and anyway, knowing my own track record, I am the least appropriate person to offer 'sound advice for conformity'..in regards to consistency. But maybe a little more aware because of my own experience of illness of how it can impact on others...but I dunno.

today is a Black Tuesday for me...tomorrow, am hoping for a Warm Red Wednesday with some pink fluffy bits dotted about.

Still thinking of you :>)

theMuddledMarketPlace said...


sounds like there's loud noise around

praying for enough space to find pockets of peace

and wisdom,
shed loads and bucketfuls of it


Caroline said...

hug from here

awareness said...

Hi Caroline.

I'm sorry I havent been by lately. I seem to have forgotten how to juggle life properly......or maybe it's been a facade and I never knew how.

It sounds like you're really struggling and perhaps the really scary moments of disassociation and thought chaos happened after you stopped taking the medication?

I hope you've reconsidered things and you've refilled the prescription.

I'm just an email away.......

Spring is on the way.......

it really is. xo

Catherine said...

We seem to be in the same situation right now. I feel for you.