Thursday 10 July 2008

Positive things?

Today has been hard - very hard. However, I am trying to practise what D indicated yesterday and identify the positives.
So, today:
I taught 4 lessons which were OK. I kep the classes focused and had no major issues.
I dealt with a home problem decisively and effectively.
I got E to her pre-prom party successfully (she looked gorgeous, btw).
I phoned my CPN for support.
I'm still here.

That last is significant tonight.

It's hard dealing with knowing and not knowing. Memories without someone else to agree with me - that's proving difficult. I want someone else to confirm that what I remembered yesterday was not a figment of my imagination (though it was a scarily vivid figment if that is what it was, and not something which forms part of my normal thoughts in any shape or form).

1 comment:

theMuddledMarketPlace said...

oh crumbs, hugs and flowers, bunches of virtual flowers that smell gloriously summery and not at all horrible