Wednesday 14 May 2008


A more difficult day today. I was on a course, which was divided into two parts. The morning was fine - it was aimed at ICT subject leaders and I found it fairly informatvie - even if, as ever, there is always more to do...
This afternoon was hard, though. We were looking at the CEOP materials and, as part of that, looking at child protection issues. I found it triggery and am still a bit wobbly, even after a phone call to D, medication and alcohol. However, as D pointed out, I managed to stay with it and I did what I could to take care of myself, even if part of the strategy for doing so was to mentally "switch off" from what was being said and look at other stuff on my computer. Tonight I have done some sewing (designed and started some more cards) and watched some TV. I have some work to plan for tomorrow (ugh!) Tomorrow as well as my teaching I have to get back early for an appointment with my psychiatrist, then head back to work to pick up my daughters as W has an important meeting.
Positive thoughts welcomed...


Made by Mandy said...

Hi C

The child protection stuff at school was close to home eh? You did stick in there and is good that you spoke to Debbie and ran things by her and she could reassure you.


Shaz said...

Many good thoughts sent your way as I have nothing but positive enrgy right now and plenty to go round xx

Disillusioned said...

Thanks both.
Mandy, it did help to talk to Debbie. And Shaz, positive thoughts and energies very much welcomed.