Saturday 9 February 2008

Energy and its misuse!

With the end of this half term (yesterday) seems to have come a burst of energy. Today I have done a major supermarket shop, and a major cooking session. We now have 10 double servings of home made cannelloni int he freezer, plus 5 of a rather nice roasted root vegetable mix and 3 of my personal creations, Italian Pie. this means cooking will be easier for my other half (he is the week-day cook in this house, and usually the weekend one too) as he will only have to get a chosen meal out of the freezer. It also means I am feeling much satisfaction, but also much exhaustion.
Am planning to do as little as possible for the evening. Daughters have been dispatched (by husband) to tackle the washing up.


Rainbow dreams said...

you know I always mean to do this - but don't....
my excuse we need a bigger freezer.. which we do.. but we'd manage...! well done, x

theMuddledMarketPlace said...

oh my!

seriously impressed.

Disillusioned said...

Thanks, both. The freezer (we have an old one outside in the garage) is now considerably more full and the pantry coniderably more empty! We're also out of foil trays, so I have three good reasons not to do any more freezer cooking!