Tuesday 16 October 2007

Still here

The apology letter (which didn't address most of the points I gave them, in writing, before the meeting) arrived by email at 8pm last night. Too late to discuss with anyone. The person who wrote it (who I thought had a real understanding of how hard this has been, how wrong and how much I needed a full written apology) will not be in her office again until Thursday. My CPN has not been in the office for two days. The alternative contact I have in the absence of my CPN was not in the office on any of the occasions on which I phoned today - or if she was, it was of no use to me as the office answerphone is on and I just can't do answerphones right now.

The training meeting after work today over ran. Not only was I late to pick up my daughter from her after school activity (and that had finished early, so she had been standing waiting for me for 25 minutes) but I also failed to get home in time to go to the Body Balance class I was intending to attend.

But I'm still here. Which is a pretty major achievement from where I am standing, and fairly remarkable.


Fiona Marcella said...

well done for still being there - you've handled a lot today. Just keep breathing.

theMuddledMarketPlace said...

Massively major achievement.
And able to blog coherantly as well.

Kathryn said...

As they both say...you are doing fantastically. Hang on in there, and I'll carry on praying. Deal?

Caroline said...

and it shall not go unremarked - well done, it sounds so hard, but you're doing so well despite their best efforts - huge hug, and best wisehs for a peacedul nights sleep

Rainbow dreams said...

am pleased you're still hanging in there - well done, xx