Wednesday 5 September 2007

My complaint

I have, after a silence of over a week, today received six emails from members of BLPT!

I finally found out who was the Freedom of Information Act Officer and forwarded to her some of my emails regarding my requests for BLPT policies, statistical information and my own records, and the responses I have had to those requests (and the lack of responses) from the Complaints and PALS officers. That was yesterday. Suddenly things seem to be happening, and I have the impression more is about to happen. There are now 3 separate directors actively involved, as well as the Chair of the Trust Board. I am assured that things will be investigated and answers given. I have been offered a meeting with two of the Directors after an initial investigation to discuss the matter. I have had a (sort of!) apology for the lack of contact from the Complaints office, with an "explanation" that they are "seeking advice" regarding the information I have requested. In response, I have asked them why they are seeking advice only AFTER refusing me the information! I have also told them I wish this to be considered as a formal complaint, but told them I am only doing this because my understanding is that I have to go through the internal complaints process before I am entitled to make a complaint to the healthcare Ombudsman and the Information Commission. I'm awaiting the response to this email (which I have copied to everyone to whom it oculd be relevant) with great interest!


theMuddledMarketPlace said...

Oh Yes.
Just keep your nerve, keep polite and wait and see.
I am so very, very, very pleased for you...and for every other service user in your locality.
Congratulations on what has been achieved so far and here's to future success.

Rainbow dreams said...

so there is movement and recognition... excellent, hope your week hasn't been too bad, Katie,x