Monday 6 August 2007

They've agreed!

The CMHT I asked to take over my care on a permanent basis have agreed to do so. I'm so relieved.

The approach seems so different. The team manager phoned me so quickly after the meeting (the meeting was this morning; she phoned on my mobile at 1.00. She has arranged to meet with me this Thursday. She wants to talk then about changing my psychiatrist - I have a little uncertainty about that, given my past experiences of psychiatrists, but then I can always stop seeing the psychiatrist; it's not like they are really adding much to my care now as my GP has a solid idea of what medications work for me and is happy for me to manage them as I feel necessary.

In addition, a letter arrived this morning from the worker I saw last week, summarising the meeting (and thanking me for coming), recording what we agreed and telling me when things would happen and what would happen. I've never had that before - a summary of what has been said and promised. And it was all accurate too!


Now to wait for the response to my complaint - but knowing, this time, that I have support in place which will not suddenly disappear.


theMuddledMarketPlace said...


Caroline said...

mmp - couldn't have said it better.
that's wonderful!

hugs and lvoe

Fiona Marcella said...

Wonderful - sense IN WRITING from a mental health trust, whatever next.
Don't be too put off by the change in psychiatrist - as you say your GP has a good idea of your medications so if you don't get on with the new one you can just ask that they advise your GP and then HE gets to have to deal with the psych not you. And you never know, the new one might be our lovely gentle guy known as the sweet psychiatrist- he's certainly not sticking round here and I can't say I blame him.

Disillusioned said...

Thanks all.

Have just found the local trust's guidelines for the Care Programme Approach. It would be easier to record those that were followed than those that were not - there are fewer of the former. It would have been useful to know what they were supposed to do before they failed to do it, really. Actually, it would have been useful to know all this before making my complaint.

Marcella - thanks for your comments on psychiatrists. Sadly I doubt that your "sweet psychiatrist" will head our way - not if he has any sense about him, he won't!

Kathryn said...

(sings, after appropriate orchestral intro in proper Handelian mode)
"Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!....ummmm....the lyrics of this piece are a little limited...but you get the general mode of joyful celebration :-)
(And I'm glad that you were able to change the typo to something more befitting this easing of the path too ;-) )

Rainbow dreams said...

TRhats fantastic news... am so pleased, Katie

Disillusioned said...

Thanks, Kathryn and Katie.

Kathryn - I suspect the initia typo (difficult instead of different, for those of you who missed it) reflected my previous epectations of CMHT - my fingers automatically head towards the keys to make up negative words when I am thinking about CMHT!