Saturday 11 August 2007

Energy at last!

Today I had a burst of energy and really felt like getting things done - and I did. I agreed a plan with the girls - we would all tidy / do housework for 15 minutes, then have a break for 15 minutes. (Not W of course - he was playing on the computer - though he did do quite a bit of housework later in the day.) H has made some progress on her room (though it still looks disgusting, I have to say) and E's room looks pretty good now. I managed to clear the bedroom, sorting all the laundry, putting everything away, change the bed and dust; clear up the kitchen; wash, hang out, get in and put away two loads of laundry, tidy the drawers on my chest of drawers (I threw lots away!) and take a trip to the tip to dispose of the rubbish we all created! Yesterday afternoon (when I had a similar burst of energy) I cleared up the area around the pond and the pond itself, did some pruning (our green bin is now too full to easily allow me to do any more) and clear up the utility room. W has hoovered our room and cleaned the kitchen this afternoon.

There's still a lot to do - the lounge and my sewing room (the dining room really!) are next on the list) but having done what I have I do feel a sense that I can tackle this, whereas before it just all felt impossible.

I'm trying to make a real effort each day to not let things get so chaotic again. So I'm insisting on things being cleared away in the kitchen (even though I often have to do it myself) and I will try to monitor the bedroom too.

Now, not surprisingly, I feel shattered - but am going to get to bed (before 1.30am - that could have contributed to the tiredness, I suspect!) and hopefully that will enable me to catch up with myself.


theMuddledMarketPlace said...

Seriously impressed!

sally said...

It is such a good sign believe me..I am sure that dealing with chaod on the outside is a sign that we are coping with our chaos on the inside..every time I get a bit better, I tidy another little is very therapeutic, and you should be really pleased, inside and out..xx

Disillusioned said...

Thank you both. Sally, I think you are right about internal and external chaos - makes sense to me. How was Cropredy btw? (am about to head over to your blog to see if you have posted about it!)

Rainbow dreams said...

sounds good - wow - sounds exhausting... well done