Friday 16 March 2007


The horror of depression is that you do always remember how terrible it feels, even when it is over. And the other horror for me (and one which may be at the root of this current self-destruction) is that I feel I have a life sentence, where this hell will return again, never sought but able to strike at a moment's notice, sneaking out of nowhere and blanketing me. That is the true horror. It is hell because, while I am in it, past experiences of recovery mean nothing. There is no hope in this pit. Absence of hope is a fearful thing. The recollection of its isolation never truly goes away, even in the good times. It is like a stalking shadow.

Those of you who are taking me with you, praying for me, are truly holding me in the light, shining a torch into my pit. Briefly, I can sense that there is light out there somewhere. It lights up my cave and I am beginning to see that someone has placed a quilt over there for me to huddle into, a cushion in that corner to sink onto, a warm drink to ease the internal chills. Someone has placed a candle here. Its light flickers, and will not last for ever, and cannot light up the darkest recesses, but it provides some relief from the gloom. Someone else has sent a picture of me as they see me, not as I see myself. I can hardly bear to look at it, but it is there. Others have placed notes around with kind words, letters to remind me that there is a world outside this cave. Maybe one day I will discover that one of the terrifying tunnels leading away from this cave is safe to travel and leads to a place of security.

I have a picture of a cave that a friend has given me. I don't know who the artist is, but it reminds me of my cave. I wish I were an artist so I could draw my cave for you.


awareness said...

you have drawn it with your words well enough that I can see it.

Actually, reading your post, I can see a cave pic that is sketched out in, grey and white around it.......shadows leering out of it........

AND then,

the other picture you drew with your words was of a corner spot by a window, safe and warmish with pillows and an inviting quilt (kind of like a reading corner in a classroom)....drawn in pencil crayons, lightly shaded colour, with a tiny ray of sun filtering in and touching the layers of comfort in the corner.

I have only ever struggled with short moments of depression, enough for only a glimpse, and enough to pray I never have to wrestle with that horrendous black dog.......but many around me have described it like you have.......void of hope and fearful that it will return unannounced......

keep writing......

as Paul at Harbour stated last week on his blog.......we may be by ourselves, but we are never alone. God is present, Caroline. Though, I often wonder about His sense of humour.

deep breaths..........and sips of tea......

theMuddledMarketPlace said...

absense of hope is indeed a terrible thing.

but your hope isn't Not There.
it hasn't gone.
others taking the slack for now.

your hope ( as it were) is being looked after for you

until such time as you are able to hold it yourself again.

hope this helps

Caroline said...

you've drawn it beautifully. may there always be people around you who can offer out the candles and the quilts and the love, as you do for others,

take care of yourself and let yourself be held a while


Disillusioned said...

Dana, thank you for reflecting my cave in your words. It comes from the challenge my psychologist gave me, to turn the cave of depression into something of a refuge. As to not being alone - I have had moments of feeling safely surrounded, but also many of feeling isolated. And, like you suggest, God's ways and decisions leave me lost at times - I sometimes wonder if I am a rat in some giant experiment...

mmp, thank you for your comments. I like the idea of others holding my hope for me. I hope one day I am able to hold it for myself again.

caroline, thank you for coming by and posting your encouragement. I feel so unable to feel the care of others at times, and so inadequate and ungrateful in that. I hate feeling this weak and needy, while being so grateful for those who are carrying me.

theMuddledMarketPlace said...

you really don't need to expend energy in feeling grateful

right now it's our role in our life

it appears!

theMuddledMarketPlace said...

...our role in YOUR life.

( it's after lunch and I can't spell!)