Saturday 14 February 2009

Half term!

I made it...
Now, there's just the not-so-small matter of 160 reports to write, 100 assessments to mark, a similar amount of other work, oh, and the housework. But let's not worry about that...

Actually, at the moment (and this may change!) I am not worrying too much about it. I am feeling OK. I'm making progress in my work with J and gaining understanding of what is going on. I think I am getting better able to manage what is going on - for the most part. Things still have the potential to cause me a wobbly, but at least afterwards I am starting to recognise what memories etc have been triggered to cause the wobble.

I even managed to sleep reasonably well last night without sleeping tablets. That's the first time in over a year.

Of course, the snow days helped. The start of next term, with parents' evening and reports and all the other stuff, may not help, But at the moment I am OK - and that is worth celebrating.


theMuddledMarketPlace said...

sending virtual ballons, wine and flowers..........
well done you!

Fiona Marcella said...

OK is good - very good. Enjoy half term.

Polar Bear said...

Yes, definately celebrate the little steps.

Catherine said...

Just so you know, I hate you right now. I still have seven and a half loooong weeks before Spring Break.

Enjoy some fresh air for me!