Friday 14 December 2007


Several of these over the last week. All took me by surprise. All gave new insights. None could be said to be pleasant (but maybe a pleasant flashback isn't really a flashback?)

What have I learnt?

That I struggle when I don't understand something and feel scared in that situation. It's difficult for me to make mistakes or not to understand how to do something. Especially Maths.

That I want to stop being responsible for things.

That I need to reach out and ask for help more.

I'm told it's OK to ask for help. I find it really really hard to do so. Even to reach out and phone a friend is difficult, because I am scared I will be ignored or criticised.

1 comment:

Caroline said...

'ignored' is a difficult one as it will never be possible for you to know if you are being blanked or if that other person is simply not able to give an immediate response. please keep asking for help, i know that i, and others in this blog world will be around for you whenever and however we can. please, if you can't find someone go back through old messages and reassurances - you have many people who care for you very much,