Monday 9 July 2007

CMHT rant part 2

Though it probably isn't worth it.

Where do I start? Apparently I am being supported via email (even though I have had emails ignored and no suggestions / encouragement offered); I am not being punished (and M is "upset" that I suggest that is how I feel); I "should have worked through" losing the support of my psychologist and it is all OK anyway because M will "ask Sue to contact you as a priority" when she returns (though no suggestion was made whent hat might be). Oh, and "sending out the copy of the care plan was Sue's responsibility, therefore, you will need to speak to her about why you never received this when she returns to work".

Waste of time.

Though whether that refers to me or to my attempt to get support from CMHT is a moot point at the moment.


Fiona Marcella said...

When I read your first rant the bit that really got to me was the "Access to emailing, which you do". I have access to the emails of every single health professional in our county. Everyone who has a Health Service e-mail account does. Even those who don't can easily work out what the address is likely to be if they know the first and last name of the person they want to contact. This does NOT mean that I have e-mail "support". For this to take place there has to be a USEFUL and SUPPORTIVE two way conversation - clearly not something you are getting at the moment.

For what it's worth, in our case the fact that we still have an outstanding complaint doesn't seem to have made any real difference. The opinionated and harsh professionals we have come across have usually not read the files at all, so won't know about the complaint (unless the details have been written across my forehead in ink only visible to psychiatrists) and MOST of those who HAVE read the notes are at least polite, and occasionally completely lovely.

Keep ranting at them if it helps you. Are your local PALS any good?

Caroline said...

not sure what to say as i'm currently far too cross with them to say anything constructive and am quite tempted to come up and engage in some office trashing. To an extent 9objective, not subjective) if they say they are offering support through email then that would seem, on the face of it, satisfy their duty, BUT NOT IF IT IS NOT HELPFUL TO YOU OR AN ADEQUATE SUPPORT MECHANISM FOR YOU. my concern, sort of voiced in my email to you, is that while you continue to try to use it you will become more and more distressed and frustrated by it's unhelpfulness, adn they will be entitled to, and of course will say they are continuing to offer support. I imagine that for you with your work pattern etc email is more convenient than phone calls, and it does at least leave a paper trail of useless responses, but maybe it would be worth bugging them by phone and in person, and through your gp as well. sorry, don't honestly know...just thoughts, and in the menatime hugs and love,

Disillusioned said...

Marcella thanks again - I worked out the email addresses I needed. You are right about the lack of support I am getting from my email contact with M.

I'm glad your complaint ahs not worked against you. I am sure mine has, with the exception of the psychologist. Even my CPN was very careful at first, but has since agreed with the psychologist that i am not difficult to work with in the least.

PALS haven't been much help in the past - may try again but it may be that I just need to give up on expecting any support except from Sue - and even that, I suspect, will end very soon - certainly if M has anything to do with it.

Caroline thank you too. I'd quite like to share some office trashing right now. Unfortunately I have found phone "support" from M even less helpful and more damaging than the emails. As you say, it does have the advantage of a paper trail too.

Unfortunately my GP is now away on annual leave - not sure if it is for 2 or 3 weeks. I think he has given up expecting much from CMHT too. I'm better off with his support than theirs... when he is here!

Kathryn said...

Drat, blast and bother them.
There is nothing more frustrating than an impenetrable organisation that claims to be offering help and support -sometimes I think that the CMHTs exist to drive those who were healthy to the point of despair at which their services become essential....If OnePedestrian does indulge in a little light office trashing, I guess I'd better come along as a character witness for both of you (the collar has its advantages)
Perhaps Marcella could get time off work and we could all make a day of it. Grrrrrrr. They take the biscuit, truly they do.
But you can see,and I trust feel, that you have an awful lot of warm support. Hang on in there. You'll get there...even if we have to send in the wheelchairs!