Thursday 5 July 2007

At last

A ray of sunshine today. The head of year spoke to younger daughter with two of the pupils she said were more supportive within her class. It was explained to them how isolated H feels, and they volunteered the information that one particular pupil (also a member of their group) is often nasty to H. They are to be her "guardian angels", including her, encouraging her, and challenging the other friend if she is unkind. H came home smiling today and said they had made her laugh. I feel like a huge weight has been removed and hope it stays off.

I went to the gym (shattering) and to my wonderful GP (revitalising). He listened, encouraged, complimented, offered observations, sympathised, understood.

I'm in danger of thinking too far ahead as far as the future goes. The possiblity of moving fills my head. It has made me realise that I am over-ready for a change. It scares me too - but it doesn't terrify me. The fact that I will have plenty of time, if it does all fall into place, to come to terms with it all, makes it feel manageable. At the moment I am excited - if only that this may be the thing which gets hubbie into looking at applying for other jobs again.


Rainbow dreams said...

I'm pleased - we all need rays of sunshine now and again - roll on the end of term.. and I'm so pleased H was smiling and laughing today, x

Caroline said...

that's great news about H i'm glad some real action has been taken and that she is being cared fo - wishing her and her guardian angels all the very best..

your gp does indeed sound goof , it sounds like you all ahd a supported, and held, day. may there be many more of them. whereever you are living :)

awareness said...

Hi Caroline....I havent left many comments lately but i have been reading.....and I just read your last 3 or 4 posts again today.

It strikes me that our lives are truly like a roller many ups and downs we have to contend with on a daily basis, and most of them connected to our relationships (dealing with them, understanding them, grieving them, applauding them......hugging them) It is exhausting, exhilarating and downright confusing, isn't it?

One of the things that strikes me, mostly because i've been through it with my daughter is the bullying and how much you have fretted over it. I did too. having had a few years to think about it, I know personally that my reaction to the situation my daughter was in came from my own schemas. As much as I wanted to protect her and support her (and I did) it never dawned on me that i was identifying with her situation more than i realized. even though it was happening to her, it seemed like it was happening to me as well. And frig it hurt!!

The roller coaster and issues you are facing with amazing gusto and fortitude are similar aren't they? I mean, you've been dealing with bully issues yourself.

Life would be so much easier if we could protect our loved ones especially the little lessons can be so harsh.....

I'm glad the school picked up the slack here and supported your daughter.

enjoy your weekend.....keep us posted on whether or not a move is in the cards.