Thursday 15 March 2007


The fight is too big. I am too small.


Kathryn said...

You don't have to face it entirely alone, even if it seems that way.
I'm praying for you right now, that you can feel the love of those people who care about you (and I'm sure there are many) supporting you - and behind them God's love, which is even stronger than our fears.
Love has an objective reality independent of our feelings...
Blessings x

Triathlon Pants said...

God is bigger than the fight. Even though it mightn't seem it.
From Pants x

Disillusioned said...

Thank you both.

I've lost sight of God. Lost sight of most things except this private Hell I am in. Am struggling to understand why I am being left here. I know I am a bad person but I thought God could forgive all that so why is he leaving me her and why is he allowing this to keep happening to me?

Kathryn said...

Caroline, God is with you up the neck in all this pain. You can't see Him because he's too close. And God forgives and loves you no matter what...He's weeping with you, not punishing you, I'm sure of that.

awareness said...

God looks for small.......

I want to respond to you with something helpful, but I keep getting all bogged down in cliches, which don't help whatsoever......

so let me tell you something i thought was quite interesting.

in the middle of the afternoon, way over here across the pond from you, i am in front of the classroom teaching away.......and this little blip happened in my brain.......

it went.......blip......and your name popped up in my thinking.....

Caroline.....I wonder how she is doing.....went the blip thought....

I swear!!! I know very little about you except that you are feeling swallowed up by many big waves and in need......that you're a mom, that you teach......that you are trying VERY HARD to figure it out. Knowing those things, I'm walking with you.

You're not lost.....overwhelmed, yes for sure.......but you're not lost because you're not alone.

take care.....don't try to fight it all at once even though you want it all resolved ASAP......

deep breaths..........

I will listen for the "blips" and send you good thoughts.....


Disillusioned said...

Thank you all.

The only thing to account for the fact that I am still here is the concern of people - from friends and family to total strangers like you. I'm very grateful for the prayers and positive thoughts and am sure those are helping me to keep going.