Wednesday 21 March 2007

Tears part 3

Maybe this is facing my emotional pain, like D wants me to.

Or maybe it is just wallowing.


"Bring me no flowers when I'm dead,"
You said.
I filled your room
With blooms
While you lay dying.

"Cry no tears when I'm dead,"
You said.
Your bravery shone through
And you
Kept smiling.

"Wear bright colours when I'm dead,"
You said.
I chose red
And cried

1 comment:

Caroline said...

'whatever'. indeed. this is your space, your time, and it is you is left (literally and figuratively) to survive not just death, but all forms of loss, pain, hurt, injustice and betrayal. It's your chance now to do what is right for you, to be honest and true to yourself, adn what you need to do for you, not what other people ask or expect of you (although those may be helpful guides). There IS a time to mourn - try not to deny yourelf that, and there will be a time, if not to dance, but at least to break free (or so they tell me).