Wednesday 21 March 2007


When I got back from my away day today I found a message on my answer phone.

This is how it went.

"Hi Caroline. As you are not at school for the parents' evening, Mrs x would like to talk to you by phone aobut her daughter m who is in your class. Could you phone school to get her phone number so that you can ring her from home please?"

I cried.

Then I called the senior teacher. I told her about the phone call. Her reply was that she could tell I was upset but I didn't need to be - it was just a mistake and if I told them it could be sorting out, and I needed to realise they are not trying to make me feel worse.

I wanted to tell her that is certainly the effect of what they are doing.


Caroline said...

oh - i can so relate to that.

email to my boss 30th Nov 06 "i had a phone call earlier from [ ] wondering why i wasn't in
the office for my appointment i'd kind of assumed that i'd phoned
in sick and she would know. sorry i should have emailed the
office separatly".... and then...

fine,they usually do have no idea, they don't do it on purpose, someone got their wires crossed or panicked - fine. But you're right, none of that makes it ok. that's what policies and procedures are for and what good communication networks in the workplace are for. in isolation such incidents are to an extent inevitable, but when they are jusst one more thing...maybe you should tell her, make a list, write down every little thing, show that there is a pattern of behaviour by them that is undermining and stressing you out, to show to yourself, and if necessary your employers the cumulative effect.

..and cry...and know that it is you who did nothing wrong.

Disillusioned said...

What makes it even worse is that I specifically requested that only certain people should contact me about anything to do with school.

I'm going to pass it on to Occupational Health tomorrow. Have told union guy - he was appalled even that they are expecting me to "make up" the parents' evenings I will have missed through illness. And I think I will just stop responding to anything from school except for friends. Maybe even get someone else to screen calls and messages.

Thank you for saying that it is notmy fault. I was made to feel that I have no right to feel upset and let down and - well, let's face it, ill.


awareness said...

that is appalling........and unfortunately not surprising. honestly, I think most management is stuck on stupid.....numb when it comes to understanding staff issues, especially when it involves anything to do with mental health. I had the same experience when I was home on burn out leave a couple of years ago. Every now and then, I would get a call from someone at work asking me if I knew something particular about a client, or how to use a certain assessment tool or some ridiculous and invasive question. I was left feeling like you......

thinking about it now, it just makes me angry.

It's like they think the person home is kicking back sipping on mint juleps or something.

Good to pass it onto the Union. Stuff like that needs to be documented.

And next time they call.......tell them to piss off!! :)