Tuesday 20 March 2007

Tears part 2

One of the things which made me cry today was this memory.
Sorry for the obtuseness.


Kathryn said...

Oh Caroline, if that means half of what I think it means, I can only thank you for allowing people like me to be here at all.
Love and prayers xx

Disillusioned said...

Kathryn you are so welcome here and are helping in the healing. Thank you.

Caroline said...

love and prayer from here too.

Disillusioned said...

Thank you caroline.

what I went through is nothing as bad as your experiences I know, from what you have said on your blog. The love and prayer are valuable though and appreciated particularly when I feel unloveable.

Caroline said...

Caroline love, just so that i know i've said it, I really don't believe in 'bad/ worse/ worser' scales of abuse. The fact that it happens at all and the impact it has, subjectively, on the person is what matters, and there is, to me, no concept of comparison in how someone has dealt with what happened to them either. (ie there is no scale of splendid coping as opposed to overreaction).

Anyway, that's how i see it, and since, to an extent in the views of other people i would come in at the fairly high end of their minor --> bad scale, so i feel entitled to beleive it.... :)

hey, i don't know you, i don't beleive anyone is unloveable (although yes, i often feel it too), and can only say that 'you are loved'. subjectively. bevause you are you.

Disillusioned said...

Thank you Caroline for what you said. I can't respond - my brain has gone into shut down - but I wanted you to know I really appreciate it.