Monday 5 May 2008

Provision of information...

I wonder whether this week will bring the remaining documents I have requested from BLPT (under Data Protection). They were promised last week, and the week before that, but haven't yet materialised.
I also wonder whether Bedfordshire and Luton Partnership Trust have yet submitted my clinical records to the Healthcare commission. They were requested to do so by April 4th; that deadline was extended by 10 days, then by another 10 (which took us to April 24th). I have heard nothing which suggests to me that the information has been received by HCC - and I'm not holding my breath. But why is it taking them so long? Someone maybe is having to look very carefully at said records? Or maybe trying to retrieve them (they seem to be in at least 6 different locations, despite the recommendation that there should be one set of clinical notes only).
Like I said, I'm not holding my breath. But it does make me feel very suspicious. Of course, it could just be another facet of the general ineptitude and lack of concern they have already shown with regard to complaints.


theMuddledMarketPlace said...

like you, i'm never too sure what i think about situations like these...

hugs as you wait

Made by Mandy said...

wouldn't it be good if BLPT met a deadline?

I know the chances are low..based on previous track record... but it would be something. Something encouraging if they did.

And when they respond to have a response that is close to satisfactory would be good too.

Am I living on dreamland?

Disillusioned said...

MMP - thanks for the hugs. Still waiting to see re HCC stuff. Had an email re the other records which have been promised to me.
Mandy - I think the only deadlines BLPT really understands are those which relate to Government targets or (sometimes) their own. The needs of individuals don't really seem to come into it when trying to get information from the organisation. I'm afraid I think your ideas are dreamland inspired - think who we are talking about here!