Thursday 22 March 2007

Who am I?

I'm a child, lost in the past
Alice through the Looking Glass
The world is a confusing and dangerous place
Where reality is turned on its head
And mummy needs mothering
And I'm never Daddy's little princess.

I'm a miniature adult, the perfect daughter
Only my parents see my terrible imperfection
And try to teach me perfect ways.

I'm an angry teenager, raging out of control
Swearing at this messed up world
Swearing at how my world has been messed up.

I'm God's child, but fearful of Father
Jesus cannot welcome this child
The "suffer little children" is for me and all of mine.

I'm a wife, a mother, a teacher
A crafter, a do-er, a giver
I'm an idle slut, inadequate, incapable of learning
Isolated, selfish, a user.

I'm a loner, a friend,
Invisible and in your face
Too demanding and too eager to please
Living in a world which doesn't make sense
Living in a world where I don't make sense.

I feel scared, anxious, grateful,
supported, unsupported, out of control
I feel useless, hopeless, inadequate,
Disregarded and without a future.


awareness said...

I am so impressed with your bravery.....for laying your heart out here in blogland....for your honesty.

To borrow Pip's loving words.... ....we are beautiful in all of our imperfections.

Who are you? Someone I would one day like to have a good long chat with over a bottle of wine.......because of ALL of your "parts."

Kathryn said...

As has been noted in discussions elsewhere, feelings aren't always the best guide to reality, however overwhelming they may be at the time.
You are loved for all the parts of you - and I pray that you will be able to feel and receive that love without fear before too long.

Caroline said...

they are strong words form a strong brave person - and they are beautifully written, thank you for putting them here,

Disillusioned said...

I'm in no fit state tonight to say anything more than "Thank you".

"Thank you"